Cycle 3- Who’s the Alien?

For Cycle 3 I wanted to switch the game up a bit and combine the two game ideas I did before. This game would be played majority through the headphones but still have visuals to follow. This game was about figuring out who the alien is among the humans on a spaceship. I chose two aliens. There would be a captain for each round and they would choose which 3 layers have to take a test to prove their humanity. Each of the test would happen through the headphones. I didn’t change much in terms of Isadora patches. I wanted to keep the game simple but social.

These were the test options.

For every prompt, two questions were the same and one was slightly off. Here is an original question asked for the Instructions prompt.

Cycle 2- The Village

For Cycle 2 I decided to continue my idea with the multi channel sound system using the headphones and incorporating a game. The game I chose was Werewolf which is similar to the game Mafia, but I titled it The Village. I created different visual scenes that I could click through using Isadora so that the game had a flow and I could easily moderate. I created these through Canva.

This is the patch I made for when people chose their roles. Depending on what headphones they chose, that would be their role in the game. I had 6 different media files sent to six separate headphones. I had the keyboard watcher as the same so that all of the audio played at the same time.

This was the patch I used for clicking through each visual. The keyboard watcher was assigned to different letters so I knew which visual would pop up.

What was successful about this was the game was fun, each role was hidden from the others, and the visuals had a nice flow for th egame. What I need to clarify are the game rules and how much replay value the game has. I also had the idea of incorporating some kind of sensor to play with as the game goes on.

PP3/ Cycle 1- Rhythm Imposter

For my cycle 1 I was inspired by the game Among Us. I wanted to put a twist on the game and use sound and body movement to help players decide who was the imposter and who wasn’t. I immediately knew I needed multiple headphones, but I struggled where to put these headphone in for Isadora to send the sound to. I realized that I was going to need a multichannel sound system that allows me to connect multiple headphones. I first used a different version of the MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid sound system that had 8 channels on it. It was pretty simple to use but when I connected it to my computer and tried to send the sound through, it was only reading 2 channles. It took a couple of classes, reading the manual, and asking Alex how do I solve this problem but I solved the problem.

First, I had each player choose 1 number and that number would assign your role as a “regular” or “imposter”. Here is my patch for where everyone chose their roles:

Here is my patch for getting the sound to be sent through different channels. Again in this instance I had 1 song going to 4 channels (headphones) and another song going to 2 channels (headphones).

The purpose of this cycle was to get the MOTU sound system working and solving the problem of getting different sounds/ songs to be sent through different channels. My first struggle was that I could on get 2 channels working, however after switching to a bigger MOTU sound system and making sure Isadora read 8 channels, then I was able to achieve my goal.

Pressure Project 2

For Pressure Project 2 the assignment was to go to Other World or some place where you could interact with something. I decided to go to Other World because i had never been and was intrigued with what I was going to experience. The instructions were:

Choose one of those rooms and take notes/ pics

Evaluate how the interaction is happening. How do I think it works? 

Observe what people are doing and how they are interacting with it/ experiencing it 

– Suggest a an EVIL or GOOD option to it (tweak the system/ twist their design)

I chose one of the first rooms I walked into and that was a room full of colorful light poles with mirrors on each wall. There may have been 50 poles in the room, all the same size that gradually changed colors. The wall being a mirror made it look like there was an infinite amount of light poles in the room. I couldn’t quite figure out the interactivity of the light poles other than people walking through the space. At first I thought there was a correlation between walking past the light poles and the colors change, but it wasn’t obvious enough for me to believe in that theory. This is my drawing of the room.

As a suggestion for this room, I have a few things.

  1. I would add a reactive device to the poles that can detect body heat or movement. If someone walks past that pole the color of the pole drastically changes and/or changes to white when you’re near it.
  2. It would be cool to add a fan to the light poles so that when you pass through a lane of poles, you feel a gust of air on your skin (I wold do this similarly with a light mist too!)
  3. Lastly I would add a heat and/or touch reactor to the light poles, so if you touch the light pole it gradually changes color. However when you let go of the pole it goes back to its originally light.

Pressure Project 1- The Aura of Circles

For this pressure project we were assigned to devise something that can hold your attention for as long as possible. For the first two hours of working on this project I was simply clicking through all of the options of what Isadora offered. I wanted to start simple and play with circles. As I continued to discover more things in Isadora I had an idea to create multiple circles with a trailing color of that shape as they move.

I was inspired by auras and the idea behind someone or something holding a distinctive atmosphere or quality. I grappled with what all can Isadora do and specifically how do I create a colorful trail. Thankfully I found motion blur and that’s what ignited my idea. I started to click through shapes and motion blur (specifically messing with color) and somehow created a colorful trail. Unfortunately I have no idea how I did that. I created 6 scenes and in each scene I used a “User Actor(s)” except for the last scene. I also had a 7 second transition between each scene.

SCENE 1 (4 user actors, different colors moving is a diagonal)

SCENE 2 & 3 (2 user actors, different colors and scale moving diagonally on the screen)

SCENE 4 I wanted the circles to start moving all over the screen and I discovered Mouse Watcher! Mouse Watcher allowed me to move the designated circles around wherever i dragged my mouse on the screen. I’m now curious about how I can get each circle to move in its own pattern without me dragging my mouse.

SCENE 5 I became intrigued about what happens when al of the color circles come together. What would it look like? What color trail would it leave?


By the 5 hour mark this is what I settled on. I wasn’t able to incorporate a “trigger” or “jump++” actors, however I’m proud of what I was able to accomplish. I’m interested in how the circles or pathways of circles could be affected by audio or some kind of sound. I also see this idea going beyond shapes and possibly looking at body movement and having the aura of that body trail/ track the movements/ dancing.

Class Feedback:

My project reminded my classmates of:

  • a lens flare
  • movie intro logo
  • rainy car crash scene in a movie
  • someone shining a light in your face as you’re waking up
  • moving particles
  • the trail of the color gives the black background texture

BUMP: Pressure Project 1- Congestion- Min Liu

This pressure project stood out to me because it not only displays an experience that everyone encounters in our daily lives (the congestion of grocery shopping), but using Isadora as a way to find a solution to reducing so much congestion in grocery stores. In reading her process I like that she provided pictures and a drawn out map of the environment and placement of cashiers, aisles, and carts within a grocery store. I also love that she drew out different ideas or scenarios that she could possibly try out in Isadora that could be a solution. These essential details and a clear goal (enhancing self-checkout) as to what you’re solving I believe makes exploring the solution a lot easier to manage, especially with all of the options you can play with in Isadora.