Cycle 1

My cycle 1 performance revolves around the telling the story of how humans are reshaping the environment and the world around us. The story is told through a sequence of video and audio clips stitched together. In an immersive space of eight panels, each panel features a different video. The system is designed to plunge users into a story of beauty, frustration, and sorrow and to overload their sences with information.

For the cycle 1 performance, there were some technical difficulties that plagued the setup of the piece which caused only half what we now affectionately call the “yurt” and only one scene of my Isadora patch to be displayed. This caused for an awkward yet interesting misreading of my project. Viewers where able to remove themselves more freely from my artificial environment and walk more freely in and out of the space. Users also were able to experience all the information at once since it was only half the circle.

Moving forward I am focusing on the interactivity features of my piece. In the first cycle, the user was limited to only acting as an observer of the events that unfold before them. I would like the piece moving forward to be reactive to users’ gestures and movements. Potentially the user’s silhouette could be incorporated in the piece as well.



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