Pressure Project 1

I chose to recreate a story that my father used to tell me and my brother when we were little. He embellished the original version with aspects of our own lives, so it always meant more to me. It was about a rooster, a cat, and a parrot, who all lived together in the forest. The parrot and cat would go out, and the rooster would continually be tricked by a fox to stick his head out of the window so he could grab him and run off. The final time he gets tricked you think he may not survive, and then out of the woods come me and my brother and cousins who save the rooster.

Although this story means a lot to me, I definitely did not expect my classmates to know the story. Therefore, I was hoping that they would focus more on the way the imagery and sound created a mood. I am always fascinated by mood more than anything, and I was trying to recreate the panic and eeriness that I felt during some children’s stories as a kid. I used almost completely Iranian music and wove it together, and when I felt the audio needed other elements, I tried really hard to mix the music in a way so that it sounded like it had always been that way. I wanted lots of overlapping, and therefore I had to really get to know Isadora in order to make that happen. I had to make a string of trigger delays, wave generators, and scene entrance triggers and play with the timing for each scene so that it flowed more easily. It took me a lot of time but it was a great way to feel more confident in the program by the end!

I was very shy to share it with classmates because it was such a personal story and it was Iranian. Even though I would have liked more time to get thoughts and feedback from my classmates about their experiences, I felt very proud of myself for what I had created.

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