PP3 – Haunted Isadora

For PP3, I attempted to create the experience of talking to spirits through a computer interface. To do this, I used a simple sound level controller to move between scenes in Isadora.

When a user begins the program, the Isadora patch randomly generates wait times that the user must wait through before Isadora begins listening. Once the user speaks (or, to my dismay, when the background music plays… oops) the scenes progress and the “little girl” asks them to play hide and seek.

After a moment or two, a jump-scare pops up and the little girl has found you. Over-all I wasn’t super proud of the project. It could have had more substance (the original plan was to have multiple “entities” to talk to… but that didn’t come together). I learned a bit about background scene triggers and text actors so I suppose it wasn’t a total flub.

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