PP3 — composer

In my pressure project 3, I used Makey Makey as an intermedia to connect people and Isadora. My ideation for this project was to create some music keyboard that people could play randomly and compose their music work. I believe that the process of composition is a mystery. People have no idea about what kind of music they will produce until the end. I created an Isadora interface with the piano keyboard and three mystery buttons that were four background music, some funny human/robot/animal voices. And then, I did the same interface on that paper and connected it through Makey Makey to the Isadora. At first, I asked people to choose a color mark-pen that I had and to draw that paper. Which means they could control the color (button). Because Makey Makey works when people connect, I also asked them to touch each other without using hands. I thought that maybe fun. Then the journey started. I made instructions to guide people to play the piano at first. And then, the guideline introduced them to the other funny/weird buttons so they could explore mixing all the sound and music. People were enjoying playing it. They more tended to play based on background music rather than create something new. I feel this was because my instructions jump to fast so that they barely saw. And also, they feel weird in the part of touching because of the space limitation.

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