Week 3 Reading Response

There is only software

It’s fascinating to associate “digital” with “software” so directly. Of course software is the backbone of all media. Using the word “software” can seem intimidating to use. Software itself is a whole other language. Users use the word “digital” because they can associate with understanding how to use an app. If the user used “software” it implies that the user understands not only the app, but how it was built. I do agree that we should be taught what we use and rely on every day. It seems that Manovich has an underlying tone throughout the reading to appreciate what is being created and shared.

Jean Baudrillard A Very Short Introduction

This was most certainly a difficult read. I know as a society we have can get lost in what is real or not. However, I’m not sure if Baudrillard was leading to this or not, but here’s my takeaway. War is reality to him. Postmortem only takes effect after war, according to him. He even backtracks what he says about American culture when 9-11 happened, but criticizes how the military handled it. I think he makes some great points, but there is this certainly a pretentious air about Baudrillard’s work.

Dialogue with the Machines

I don’t think a computer needs to be an AI in order to classify it as interactive. The computer itself doesn’t speak to us. It does however, carry its own type of language that does allow users to learn from other users. If the user is capable, he/she could find out almost anything on their own using a computer. In a way the internet is the “human dialogue partner” and the computer serves as a medium. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be upset if I could have my own personal Jarvis in the future.

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