Stars Kaleid – PP1

one round of the loop. enjoy the class chatter in the background!

For this pressure project, I wanted to take the time to play with the actor kaleidoscope++, practice triggering randomness and scene jumping, work on how to grow and expand an image smoothly and add videos into the patch.

Unfortunately, about 2 of the hours I spent working with my personal video I didn’t end up using because Isadora didn’t like the codec and I didn’t realize it in time. Isadora eventually just started freezing and not registering the video, and occasionally crashing.

After I gave up on trying to keep working on the video issues, I returned to the scenes where I had played with different shapes to create textures and images. Because I liked how the video gave the kaleidoscope a lot of movement, I added wave generators to the shape and crop actors to give the same kind of effect.

Even though there were hair pulling moments and I had to ditch some of my work, I still enjoyed the process of just connecting different actors and trying different number patterns to see how it affected the image. I ended up playing so much with the star that when I was asked how I did it, I couldn’t remember.

Right now, Isadora feels endless and limitless and intimidating. I’m grateful for this project just to give me time with the software in a low stakes way so I can experiment and begin to feel more confident. Keeping a clean interface seems to help my brain out as I’m working, so my goal is to not get into the habit of connecting actors every which way.

As I was building this patch, I was dreaming of how the body could be incorporated. I was imagining sketches and snapshots of hands, eyes, ribs showing up in the kaleidoscope as it transitioned randomly. For the next time, I will probably not use as much randomness. I liked it, but I craved a little more structure towards the end. Working with the kaleidoscope also got me imagining infinity loops, so I’m hoping to play with something like that in the future.

The star patch, which slowly grew in length and began to rotate in scene 2/3/4
the flying sticks patch
the growth of the flying sticks with motion blur and size change patch
the looping circles patch

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