

I am facing the design question of how to indicate to the audience the “rules” of “using” the “design” i.e. how to set up a system of experiencing the media, i.e. how to get them to do what I want them to do, i.e. how to create a setting in which my audience makes independent discoveries. Because I am interested in my audience creating audio as an input that generates an “interesting” (okay okay, I’m done with the quotation marks starting… “now”)  experience, I jotted down a brainstorm of methods of getting them to make sounds and to touch preceding my work this week.

We use “triggers” in our Isadora actors, which is a useful term for considering the audience: how do I trigger to the audience to do a certain action that consequently triggers my camera vision or audio capture to receive that information and trigger an output that thus triggers within the audience a certain response?

Voice “from above”

  • instructions
  • greeting
    • hello
  • follow along – movement karoaoke
    • video of movement
      • → what trigger?
      • learn a popular movement dance?
        • dougie, electric slide, salsa
          • markings on floor?
  • follow along touch someone in the room
    • switch to kinect – Lexi’s patch as basis to build if kinesphere is bigger then creates output
      • what?
      • every time people touch for sustained length is creates
        • audio? crash?
        • lights?
      • how does this affect how people touch each other
      • what needs to happen before they touch each other so that they do it
  • follow along karaoke
    • sing without the background sound
      • Maybe with just the lead-in bars they will start singing even without music behind

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