Danny Coyle’s game project: Green Hill Paradise – Act 2

This is a video game/research project of my own design inspired by the Sonic the Hedgehog game series.


Green Hill Paradise was born out of a question. A question that has all but torn the Sonic the Hedgehog community asunder:

Can a Sonic the Hedgehog game be made such that it supplies a rich and robust experience in a fully 3D environment while staying true to its platforming roots?

We are here to answer this question, not through an in-depth analysis video, not through a lengthy forum post, but through a fully playable video game experience. After 10 months of research and development we believe that, yes, Sonic can not only exist in 3D, but he can THRIVE in it. GHP’s massive environment, winding paths, dynamic physics and hidden collectibles provide players with the freedom to choose where they want to go and how they wish to get there. The only limitations are the laws of physics and the player’s own skill.

No Spline paths.
No Boostpads.
No scripted cameras.
No Boost Button.

Gotta Go Fast?
Earn it.


Since the game’s release, it has been featured on various websites and YouTube “Let’s Play” videos. I figured it was prudent to share it here with you all as well. If you have any questions about the project, just ask!

One Comment on “Danny Coyle’s game project: Green Hill Paradise – Act 2”

  1. Alex says:

    Great work!

    The game play looks to be a lot of fun. I think you have done a good job in answering the questions you put forth.

    This seems to be an intuitive demonstration of bringing classic Sonic mechanics into 3D!

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