Task: For our third pressure project, we were tasked with creating a mystery the did not use a keyboard and keypad.  I decided on a basic interactive 360 photo mystery. I found this task to be a good exploration of 360 photos and also the workings of 360 photos in the context of Google Maps and the ability to call images of public places from Google Pictures that are placed on Google maps.  I learned a bit about “text to speech” (as there is no dialogue, only auditory speech.)

Process: For this project, I started with a  map of California.  I wanted to take the user on a scavenger hunt up and down the coast with the “mystery” being a theft taking place at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.  I also wanted the user to get a sense of the environment.

I started with drawing the cities, environments, suspects and the items that were to be used in discovering the thief.  I wanted to scavenge to take the user to cities and landmarks in CA.

Once I had the ideas written out, I found the images of the environments I was going to use.  The environments helped to dictate the pictures of individuals that were to be used and represented.  After I had all the images together, I wrote some dialogue for the suspects.  Once I had all the elements, I brought them into unity and linked them up using some basic scripting and a 360 template.

Feedback: I believe that my project was well received.  Due to the fact that only one person could go at a time,  there were only two classmates that were able to try the experience. However, they really seemed to enjoy the project and kept giving me the note that they had felt like they had been transported to another place.  This was my intention, so I was very pleased with that response.   I also asked for some feedback on the “voice to text” and the users seemed to love it.  This may be something I include in my thesis moving forward.  Text bubbles seem to disrupt the FLOW of the experience.

If I did it over again, I would have changed the photos to basic models.  I could have just used a simple command to then make their face (the photo) appear.  I believe this would be interesting as we have to decide to look at a person’s face in a public area and could have created some intrigue within the scene itself.

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