PP1 Documantation — Andi

3D model effects
shapes 1
Shapes 2

At the beginning when I was doing my pressure project, I just quickly looked through the “Shadertoy” website, wanted to find some 3D mode that is simple but colorful. And then I found the mode “Phase Ripple” by Tdhooper (https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ttjSR3). It made me felt the heartbeats. As you can see in my screenshot pictures, I added some effects like Dots, Gaussian Blur and two different explodes to this 3D model and use some random actors to control it in some way. After looked it several times, I felt it was a good way to combine the 3D model with 2D shape. So, I tried to add four circle shapes with two effects and changed the colors and scales of the shapes by random actors. In the end, I used keyboard watcher actor to play and stop the music. Through this exploring experience of Isadora, I have become more interested in using random actor. At the beginning of this creation, I always wanted to set up all the changes in a certain time, but because of the time limitation, I eventually chose to use random actor. Surprisingly, it gives me more surprises and unexpected effects than I thought before!

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