Let’s Play iSpy – PP3

I created an interactive system to play iSpy with the Xbox Kinnect. My idea was to have individuals play iSpy using their hand to move a spotlight and try to discover different objects.

I used the Kinnect to sense the participant’s hand depth and then sent those digits to Isadora. In Isadora, I was able to program the system using actors like syphon receiver, luminance key, and eyes++. A syphon reciever is what communicates digits/info between programs. In order to get the data from the Kinnect into Isadora, I used a syphon reciever sent from a program called Vuo, which read Kinnect data and could send it out to other programs.

I manipulated the data from Vuo (sent via syphon) to better read the depth of only the participant’s hand.

I linked a shape to the hand so it followed the coordinates of the hand movement. Then I put an Alpha mask over the shape to reveal only a spotlight on top of the iSpy gameboard background.

The class found my game really fun and enjoyed the level of interactivity. They wished I included music to fill the awkward silence as the participant heavily searched for given items. I mediated the game by giving them objects to find and helping clue them to find the objects if they grew frustrated.

We also talked a lot about how to lost the ‘ghost hand’ behind the spotlight. I had hooked up a projector the luminescence key which made the ghost hand visible. By deactivating the projector actor, I could lose the white-out effect and better see the image in the spotlight.

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