Pressure Project 3: Thumbnail Generator


I wanted to complete a project using primarily p5.js and/or Processing to refresh my knowledge on these skills and to work in an environment that felt more comfortable to me than Isadora. Little did I realize how little knowledge I had about connecting Processing to external interfaces.


My goal was to create a system that you could enter one thumbnail drawing in and it would iterate over a series of iterations on that original drawing by manipulating width and height and skewing the bounding quadrilateral (i.e. reducing the width of the bottom while maintaining the width of the top).


In my first cycle, I followed a tutorial to take manipulate a single image into a grid of pictures.

In the second, I focused on modifying proportions between images.

Then I created two prototypes.


In the end I created 3 Prototypes. testThumbs created a row of cylinders with a variable of their height::width proportion changed.

thumbnails.pde created a sequential grid with no randomization.

My final prototype was made in Illustrator to exemplify what I hoped for in the end.

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