Cycle 3 – Aaron Cochran

For my final project, I achieved blob detection and the response of projected mapping onto a grid.

As seen in the video below, I set out to create a prototype of a combination between the games checkers and minesweeper. Scott Swearingen often talks about the concepts of public and private information in gameplay. In the game of Poker for example, there is public information about how much you are bidding, while the players each have private information of what is in their hands and on the board. These factors influence decision making on the behalf of the players.

This prototype acts as a proof of concept for a game that uses projection mapping to have information that is “private information” that is held by the game that changes the strategy of players as a result. By combining checkers and minesweeper, a level of randomness was added that would disrupt strategy by random pieces being “blown up” by the game rather than “captured” by the players.

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