Cycle Project 1
Posted: December 10, 2020 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment »For this project I wanted to synthesize some of the work I had done on my previous projects in the class. I wanted to create a kind of photobooth. Users would operate the booth by the makey makey and then Isadora would capture a webcam image of the user. From there the user can select different environments to add hats. For this iteration of the project, I offered a choice between a Western theme and a space theme.
After selecting the desired theme, the users could adjust the size of the hat by pressing a button on the makey makey interface. From there, they could use the Leapmotion controller and reposition and rotate the hat as well as resizing it.
One of the most difficult parts of this project for me was figuring out the compositing using virtual stages. Additionally, I spent a lot of time trying to find ways to make the prompts (which appeared over the image) disappear before the image was taken.
This is a link to my code for the project.!Ai2N4YhYaKTvgbYVl0LiupCRh2PFdg?e=wuKpZm
Here is the link for my class presentation.!Ai2N4YhYaKTvgbYaMqgJRuOsmjBMog?e=rDAOMd