Some notes
RSVP Cycles – Lawrence Halprin
- as symbolizations of process e.g. musical, grocery list, calendar, this book
- as method of making process visible
- can communicate processes over space-time
- Hope for socres as way of designing large-scale environments
- Must allow for feedback
- as potential communication device
Environment + dance-theater
- non-static
- process-oriented (not result-oriented)
- values present, but not demonstrable
Order can be any. e.g PRSV
Cycle works at two levels: self, group
– meant to be free–making processes visible
Danger: becoming goal-oriented… scores are non-utopian; they’re idealistic, hope-oriented
Score: system of symbols to convey/guide/control interactions between elements: space, time, rhythm, and their sequences, people and activities, and the combinations that result
An Arts Sciences, Engineering Educational Research Initiative for Experiential Media by Rikakis, Spanias, Sundaram, He (2006)
Summary: training approach f/ integrating computation & media in physical human experience
- driven by research problems
- based on interdisciplinary network
- research and application
- transdisciplinary training
Experiential Media: systems that integrate computation and digital media in physical media experience
Three trends in computation:
- novel embedded interfaces e.g. gesture, movement, voice, sketches, etc
- human e.g. computing communication at level of meaning (rather than level of information)
- participational knowledge creation and content e.g. generation frameworks
Research model 5 areas
- Sensing: human word & physical activity
- Perception and modeling
- Feedback
- Experiential construction
- Learning and knowledge
Expertise needed:
- sensing: engineers
- media communication & experiential construction: artists
- perception, cognition, learning: psychology & education experts
Arizona State University has Arts, Media, Engineering (AME) program
Application of this training-research: health, education, social communication, everyday living, culture, arts
Need new folks trained in this
The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction by Douglas Davis (1991-5)
No longer clear conceptual distinction between original and reproduction – both states are “fictions”
Not “virtual” — actually, virtual is “RR”: Realer Reality
The World’s First Collaborative Sentence ….
Digital reproduction is without degradation: always same/perfect
Empower imagination, not reason –> new tools e.g. printed word invented led hundreds of years later to Ulysses
Reader becomes author on internet –> information is decentralized
We can walk, think, feel virtual world same as human-made world
Deconstruction itself has its own value
When live performers leave the stage and there’s a “live feed” of them backstage, we are unsure whether it’s taped for live e.g. Blue Man Group
Status of first person is still valued
“poststructuralism” “postmodernism” “post-avant-garde” “appropriation”…
* aura resides “not in the thing itself but in the originality of the moment we see, hear, read, repeat, and revise” (386)