Davis, ASU and Halprin Thoughts


First of all, Davis, do not cast against an age when you claim original art is vanish(ed)ing and then refuse to distinguish ‘The Queen of Touch” who’s identity you claim you “don’t need.” Interesting choice to lead with a dash of hypocrisy.

I found his train of thought around transferring his own work from analog to digital as a revisionist tool interesting. The ‘post-original original.’ I think the ability to reflect and change is not so much indicative of the technology but the time he lived in where there was a major shift of technology. Nothing before was stopping an edit but the transference caused him to reflect.

2 out of 4 stars


This article was a great read for me and aptly timed as I am struggling to finding where to engage at the forefront of my Graduate studies. The organizational axes was a great way to visualize where I can cross train in my own strengths and where and how to outsource.

The article was helpful (for me) to engage with a more clear language of what I am looking to attain by studying experiential (and all medias) outside of my discipline or current skill set. Especially the three key trends:

  1. Novel embedded interfaces (interaction through meaningful multimodal physical activity)
  2. Human computing communication at the level of meaning
  3. Participational knowledge creation and content generation frameworks.

3 out of 4 stars


“… free the creative process by making it visible.”

This could be effective if one feels creatively blocked but opposite perhaps by defining and restraining the possibilities/order.

“Science implies codification of knowledge and drive toward perfectibility…”

No? Science is hypothesis, experiment, posing questions  and attempting to try and find answers to them?

This article was incongruent and kind of repetitive for me, 1 out of 4 stars. 

2 Comments on “Davis, ASU and Halprin Thoughts”

  1. Alex Oliszewski says:

    For the last reading: Incongruent with itself or the other readings?

  2. Alex says:

    Just to be clear – I’m not trying to be challenging or contrary – just curious where the incongruence you are referring comes from…

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