Cycle 2: MaxMSP Granular Synthesis + Isadora
Posted: November 26, 2023 Filed under: Arvcuken Noquisi, Final Project Leave a comment »For Cycle 2 I focused on working on the MaxMSP portion of my project: I made a granular synthesis patch, which cuts up an audio sample into small grains that are then altered and distorted.
2 demonstration clips, using different samples:
I had some setbacks working on this patch. I had to start over from scratch a week before Cycle 2 was due, because my patch suddenly stopped sending audio. Recreating the patch at least helped me better understand the MaxMSP objects I was using and what role they played in creating the granular synthesis.
Once I had the MaxMSP patch built, I added some test-sends to see if the patch will cooperate with Isadora. For now I’m just sending the granular synthesis amplitude through to an altered version of the Isadora patch I had used from Cycle 1. This was an efficient and quick way to determine how the MaxMSP outputs would work in Isadora.
I still have quite a few things to work on for Cycle 3:
- Router setup. I need to test the router network between my laptop (MaxMSP) and one of the ACCAD computers (Isadora).
- Isadora patch. I plan on re-working the Isadora patch, so that it’s much more responsive to the audio data.
- Interactivity. I’ll need to pilfer the MOLA closet for a good microphone and some sound-making objects. I want Cycle 3 to essentially be a sound-making station for folks to play with. I will have to make sure the station is inviting enough and has enough information/instructions that individuals will actually interact with it.
- Sample recording. Alongside interactivity, I will need to adjust my MaxMSP patch so that it plays back recorded samples instead of pulled files. According to Marc Ainger this shouldn’t be a challenge at all, but I’ll need to make sure I don’t miss anything when altering my patch (don’t want to break anything!).