Folding Four

I realized I haven’t published my drafts yet. So here is the playing with game rules post:

Axel and I modified the Connect 4 by adding new rules to the game.

  1. After every 3rd move of the players, player 1 is going to fold a line.
  2.  Then the folded line is going to be unfolded after 3 more moves of each player.
  3. The first rule applies, 3 moves later of each player, player 2 is going to fold a line.
  4. Repeat rule 2.

The rule set is going to be repeated through the game.

Adding and hiding the lines for a short time frames add an unexpected and playful aspect to game. Now it is harder to predict who is going to win. Therefore it is more exciting.

It is fun to modify a game that all of us are familiar since the new rules change the dynamics of it. Therefore it takes sometime to understand and get used to game, it brings back the excitement of being a kid.

Also it is very interesting to see how little modifications and additive elements might change a simple system like a game. Going through the each step and rule of the game, in order to understand the dynamics and change or modify it is a simple but effective exercise to learn about systems.

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