PP2_Taylor__E.T. Touch/Don’t Touch__little green light…

So… I still don’t think my brightness component is firing correctly but feel free to try it out by shining your flashlight at the camera to see if it works for you. pp2-taylor-izz
I felt that the Makey Makey was just as limiting as it was full of possibilities… not the biggest fan, maybe if the cords were longer and grounding simpler (like maybe I could have just made a bracelet)

So, I believe the first response to my system from the peanut gallery was “What happens if you touch them at the same time”… my answer to this, I don’t know… it probably will explode your computer, but feel free to try.
other responses: Alice and wonderland feel, grounding is reminiscent of a birthday hat, voyeuristic — watching the individual interact with the system (and seeing their facial reactions from behind).
I wonder what reactions would be like if people interacted with it in singular experiences… like just walking up not really knowing anything. I was thinking about the power of the green light, and if this would compel people to follow or break the rules (our class is always just looking to break some shit – oh that’s what it does…what if…). All of the E.T. references came about from me just thinking touch — what’s a cool touch?
And the whole thing was a bastardization of a patch I was working on for my rehearsal… not done yet but here is the beginning of that.pp2-play4pp-izz

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