Pressure Project 2

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I started with a series of makey makey water buttons as a trigger for sounds and wanting to come up with different sequences of triggering to jump to different scenes. So if you touched the blue bowl of water then the green then yellow twice and then green again, through the calculator and inside range actors, you get moved to another scene. The made up the scenes trying to create variations on the colors and shapes that were part of the first scene, save for one, that was just 3 videos of the person interacting fragmented and layered with no sound. The latter was to make a interruption of sorts. BUT…. in practice, people triggered the water buttons so quickly that scenes didn’t have time to develop and the motion detection and interpretation from some of the scenes (affecting shape location and sound volume), didn’t become part of the experience. Considering now how to provide a frame for those elements to be more immediately explored, to slow people down in engaging with the water bowls whether via text or otherwise AND the possibility of a trigger delay to make time between each action.

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