Cycle 1 Reflection Post

For my DEMS final project, I am working on recreating an improvisation that happened in december 2017 in Tehran at the apartment of Iranian female painter, Oldooz. On that day, I was improvising with sensations, textures, colors, lines, and moods of her large painting series called Loneliness. In this project, I am interested in translating my movement investigation with the painting into an interactive installation in which the audience explores different aspects of the painting. I am also researching my memory of that improvisation as well as using photographs as a source to choreograph a solo.  

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Photographs taken by Oldooz, December 2017, Tehran, Iran.





Cycle 1 deadline pressured me to choose my setting for projection and performance. I decided to use the ceiling projector, projecting to a transparent white cloth screen in dimensions close to the actual real life painting.