Cycle 2 “Tech Rehearsal”

In my cycle 2 showing, I took away the fun part we had in cycle one where I have audience members dancing with the music on the stage and reacted to the lightings. In this cycle, I tried a little bit serious run to have people become my crew member and help me trigger the lightings with their movement.

In this run, I called them helper instead of “lighting designer” which makes more sense to me. But still, I don’t think the audience members only have one title when they join my project. They can be the performer moving on the stage while become the crew member trigger the lighting with their movement tasks. I think I should really blur their title instead of really giving them a position contains various jobs.

Also, with the help of Alex, I add one OpenNI actor to have the connector recognize people’s shape, so that it can see where people’s arms/legs/torso are moving. With the help of this, I designed a movement of clapping over head and when the connect see both of the hands reach the same hight it will trigger the cue. It really helped me develop more movements for audience members rather than just letting them appear/not appear in the area where the connector can see.

I will develop more movements after this cycle and really blur audience member’s role as being a lighting helper and a performer at the same time.

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