Cycle 3 – Stanford

For Cycle 3 I had to rethink the platform I was using to transport my Sketchup model from my computer to VR. I was having issues with all of the shapes loading in SentioVR and the base subscription didn’t allow me to use VR at all. This made me look into an extension called VR Sketch.

This ended up being a way better program. You are able to make edits while in VR and even have multiple people in the model at the same time. The render quality is not as great though.

I think my favorite thing about the program was the workflow. I used it a few times over the past couple weeks while working on other class projects. I was able to make quick sketches models for a design I was working on and put myself in it in VR to see if it worked the way I thought it was working. Then I could make changes and go back in VR within minutes. It made the way I design a lot different. I now have a practical way to see the way an audience is going to experience something before it is built and make changes accordingly.

Looking around the model
Alex and I in the model together
An example of moving an object into place
Building in VR

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