Duck… Duck… Duck. Duck…… Duck Duck……. Duck… Goose!!!

Let’s see…

Delightful: Check

Visually Pleasing: Oh yea!

Self generating patch of shapes, lines, and color: Check, check, and check (with a goose for good measure)


Level 1: System is fully automatic and only requires being ‘turned on’

Fully automated??? It’s practically self aware!

Level 2: System produces multiple visual ‘looks’ or ‘feels’

You got your duck look; you got your goose look.

Level 3: Any underlying pattern in the systems movement and visual state is complex enough that a human takes more than a few seconds to ‘understand the pattern.’

Everything is randomized, even the starting and stopping of the random sequences.

Bonus Level: System produces unexpected results over time.

No one expects a goose…

Bonus Level: Maintains a watchers attention for more than 20-30 seconds. (Much harder then one might guess. How do we do this in the theatre and dance? [Can your system tell a story?])

A complex visual tale of binary, conflicting pairs. Up and down, or left and right; never together.


This is a compressed copy with no audio.


I will elaborate on all this after I write the paper that is due tomorrow morning.

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