Square Dance (literally-ish): PP2
Posted: September 24, 2015 Filed under: Alexandra Stilianos, Isadora, Pressure Project 2 Leave a comment »For Pressure Project #2, I created 4 different scene’s in Isadora, using various actors but the most helpful was the Ease in/out 2D to coordinate and consolidate the movements and sizes of the boxes. Enter scene triggers, values and delays were used to time the scenes and various other actors were used (dots, reflection, envelope generator++ etc.).
It was delightful in its simplicity and choreographed movement and it was automatic through the use of scene triggers to loop and repeat. Complexities came into play by varying the movement of the shapes and sizes after setting a constant with the first frame.
I *believe* we watched it for about a minute, time lapse achievement: unlocked. Some of the feedback from my classmates included the video being delightful (even looked like a bowtie at time) and that the shapes all had particular pleasing places to go as they overlapped. One suggestion/criticism was to include more boxes, which I agree with if time would’ve permitted.
All in all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuzmub5PXNQ