Pressure Project 3

A Mystery is Revealed | Color By Numbers

Initially, I began this project with uncertainty about the mystery I wanted to explore. Reviewing past student work, I stumbled upon a personality test concept that intrigued me, expanding my understanding of what constitutes as a mystery.

Following my usual design process, I sought inspiration from Pinterest and various design platforms. A comic called “Polychromie” by artist Pierre Jeanneau caught my attention, particularly its use of anaglyph—a technique where stereo images are superimposed and printed in different colors, creating a 3D effect when viewed through corresponding filters. I was intrigued by how the mystery unfolded depending on the filter used.

While exploring the feasibility of implementing anaglyph on web screens, I encountered challenges due to my unfamiliarity with the term. Nonetheless, I pivoted towards a “color by numbers” concept, drawing inspiration from “Querkle,” a coloring activity based on circular designs developed by graphic designer Thomas Pavitte, who drew inspiration from logos designed using circles.

For practicality and time constraints, I chose simple images and creted them using Adobe Illustrator, layering the circles into colorable sections. Using MakeyMakey for interaction and Isadora’s Live Capture for audio cues, I facilitated engagement. Additionally, I devised a method using MakeyMakey and alligator clips for answering multiple-choice questions.

Implementing keyboard watchers, trigger values, and jump++ actors, I orchestrated transitions between scenes in the patch, ultimately unveiling the mysteries.

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