Cycle One Mirror Room

The concept for the whole project is to just have fun messing with different video effects that Isadora can create in real time. One of the ways of messing with your image in real time is with a mirror that is warped in some way. The first cycle is simple by just deciding on what kind of effects that should be applied to the person in the camera. I wanted each one to be unique so the effect is something not available in usual house of mirrors.

The feedback for the effects that had something that took a bit of time for the user to figure out what was going on was positive. They enjoyed messing around in the camera until they could have a decent idea on how they affect the outcome. The one they thought was lack luster was the one with lines trailing their image. They were able to figure out almost immediately how they affect the image. So, for the next cycle the plan is to update the one effect screen to make it a bit harder to decipher what is going on. Next on the list is to try and get a configuration set up with projectors and projection mapping so the person can be in view of the camera and see what is happening on the screen or projection without blocking the projection or showing up on screen at a weird angle.

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