Final Project Showing

I have done a lot of final presentations during the course of my college career but never one quite like this. Although the theme of event was “soundboard mishaps”, I was still relatively satisfied with the way everything turned out. The big take away that I got from my presentation was that some people are intimidated when put on the spot. I truly believe that anyone of the audience could of come up with something creative if they got 10 minutes to themselves with my showing to just play around with it. While I did not for see the result, I was satisfied that one of the 6 members actually got into the project and I could visually see that he was having fun. In conclusion, I enjoyed the event and the class. I met a lot of great people and I look forward to seeing/working with anyone of my classmates in the future. Thank you for a great class experience! Attached are screen shots of the patch. The top is the high/mid/low frequency analysis while the bottom is the prerecorded guitar piece that is synced up to the lights and background.Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 3.28.17 PM Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 3.28.55 PM

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