Pressure Project 1 – Fireworks

When given the prompt, “Retain someone’s attention for as long as possible” I begin thinking about all of the experiences that have held my attention for a long time. Some would be a bit hard to replicate such as a conversation or a full length movie. Other experiences would be easier as I think interacting with something could retain attention and be a bit easier to implement. Now what does that something do so people would want to repeat the experience again and again and again? Some sort of grand spectacle that is really shiny and eye catching. A fireworks display!

The Program

The first scene is setting up the image that the user always see. This is the firework “barrels” and buttons to launch the fire works.

The buttons were made as a custom user input function. I did not know there was a control panel that already has preset buttons programed. If I had known that I could have saved myself 2 hours of experimenting. So how each button works is the Stage Mouse Watcher checks the location of the mouse in the stage and if the mouse clicks. Then two inside range actors are used to check where the mouse is in the x and y axis. If the mouse is in preset range it triggers a Trigger value actor that goes to a Toggle actor. The toggle actor then turns a wave generator on and off. The wave generator then sends its value to a Value Changed actor. If the in the x bounds, the y bounds, and the mouse clicks triggers activate all at once, then the scene is moved to launch a firework.

The scenes that the buttons jump to is set up to be a unique firework pattern. The box will launch a firework to a set location and after a timer the sparkle after effect will show. Then after it ends the scene ends.

Upon reflection, one part that could have helped retain attention even longer would have been to randomize the fireworks explosion pattern. This could have been done with the random number generator and the value scalar actors to change the location of where the sparkle explosion effect ends up and with how long they last in the air.

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